AKTU 2nd Semester Result 2024

Based on my experiance and faculty member present in the AKTU college suggests that AKTU 2nd Semester Result will be published around 5 November.

Latest Updates regarding Result

Currently University had the back load of previous result to be published so that is the reason the second semester result it will take time to published and it will be complete around the first week of November based on the experience experience teacher experience facility member present in the aktu college.

the process of scanning examination copies has been started and it is an full showing to be complete it until 25 June 25 September

copy checking completion will take long time as before because of festival month October. The copy checking process is not start. And there is no official announcement by the university at the scanning of copyies is started or not.

There are three faces present in the declaration of result first is scanning the copies second is distribute these copy between the teachers third is checking copy checking process and support one is virtualisation of data this is step day more time because of a new company enrolled in it.

Process of Declaring a Aktu result

In this paragraph, we will learn what is the process of declaring a AKTU result.Here’s a simplified 4-step process for declaring a university result:

  1. Scanning: College scan all the copies and upload at a portal.
  2. Evaluation and Submission: Faculty members evaluate exams and assignments, then submit the marks to the university’s examination department.
  3. Compilation and Verification: The examination department compiles all student marks and verifies the data for accuracy.
  4. Moderation by committee: A committee reviews the compiled results, making adjustments if necessary, such as grade moderation or scaling.they check out the examp paper and exam copies are same or not. Chec out there should be no money, name, rollno. And phone no. Present in the copy.
  5. Data Entry and Verification:The examination department compiles all marks and enters them into the university’s result processing system.Verification of entered marks is conducted to ensure there are no errors.
  6. Approval and Declaration: The final results are approved by the examination committee, and the university officially publishes the results.

Steps to check AKTU 2nd Semester Result

  1. All the BTech exam copy are scanning based on the internal information it will be complete around 25 September.
  2. After the scanning of copies it will be uploaded to a portal of AKTU then University assign these copies these specific copies to that specific faculty member. This step will take time this is the most consuming time and it will be completed around 15 to 22 October.
  3. After the checking all the copies by faculty member these copy assign with student personal information and aktu committee examination all the copies and there is a CCTV camera present in checking room. copy checking is a complete online process and this process will complete around 30 october – 2 November.
  4. After all that process the university has data of second semester B.Tech student then the deliver that data to a private company that take it up to the virtualization of it they modify the website for the of ease of seeing result.
    This process contain around 10 to 15 days for maybe 20 days problem it will be complete around due to 20 November and this is the date of declaration of B-tech 2nd semester result 2024.
for CourseB.tech All branch
for semester2nd sem
Academic session2023-24
Exam Date3March-21March
Result statusdeclared soon
Expexted Result date15 November
Aktu result websitehttps://erp.aktu.ac.in/WebPages/OneView/OneView.aspx
Aktu previous old question papers of btech 1st year 2024

Aktu 2nd sem Result checking process

Step1 open your browser and search aktu when you click on the first website

Step2 Click on the Aktu official website or click below, goes directly to the website https://erp.aktu.ac.in/WebPages/OneView/OneView.aspx

Step3 Write down the information such as your roll number date of birth and verify the capture and goes ahead.

Step4 if you are result published then you can see your result and at the top, there is an option to download it.

How to check back/Cp/kt in Result

You can easily check out back in your attitude result if the subject block is completed it means you have a back in that subject and you have to give that paper again to clear that bac

Your result is CP 0 then you have clearly pass second semester and your result status CP 1 then you have a back in a subject.

aktu result copy for understanding

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