What is the meaning of PCP, CP, and PWG in AKTU results ?

What is the meaning of CP in the Aktu result?

The meaning of CP is to carry paper. It will show your result when you have failed an exam. Mostly it will show as a red color of block in the failed subject. the word CP is written after the result word. It tells you that you have failed the exam & you have to take that exam again.

How to remove CP from the result:-

OPTION 1– if you have a back in a subject then you can re-evaluate your exam copy, you have to pay around 3000rs for rechecking and 300 for seeing a copy online. and if gets passed after rechecking then your result gets updated and the cp will be removed from the result.

OPTION 2– Then the last option to remove the CP from the result is to give the carry paper & on passing the exam your result gets updated and the CP will be removed from the result.

you may also visit: How to Clear the Backlog in aktu

What is the meaning of PCP in the AKTU?

The meaning of the PCP in Aktu is passed with carry paper. it is generally shown in every even sem or last semester on the Aktu erp who have failed. it indicates that the student is passed with carry-over & going to the next semester with this back. It is generally the same whether students have 1 or 5 backlogs. When you see PCP mentioned in your AKTU result, it means that you have been granted permission to carry over a particular subject/paper to the next semester. This usually happens when a student fails to clear a subject/paper in one attempt and is allowed to appear for it again in the subsequent semester.

for example: If a student has failed in a subject in the 1st semester the result will show CP(1). and he completed his 2nd semester without any back then the result will show PCP & he will be promoted to the 2nd year/3rd semester.

What does PWG mean in AKTU?

PWG means passed with grace. I think you have understood the meaning of the PWG. the definition of PWG is ” when the university gives 3-4 marks to the student to score the passing marks in a subject to block back”.PWG does not mean back in the exam. it is highlighted as a light blue color. When you see PWG mentioned in your AKTU result, it means that you have passed the exam with a certain grace mark awarded by the university. The grace marks help them cross the passing threshold and successfully clear the exam. There are some criteria to get the grace in AKTU that are as follows:-

Criteria to get the grace in AKTU:-

1. A maximum of 07-grade marks could be awarded in each year of study in theory or practical subjects provided that his/her SGPA must be equal to or greater than the minimum passing criteria as laid down in university ordinance 2023-24.

2. Such student shall be awarded a grade ‘£#’ which will be deemed equivalent to the grade ‘E’ or the lowest passing grade in the particular subject; however, the grade ‘£# will not carry any grade point and therefore, the SGPN/SGPA of the student shall remain the same.

meaning of PCP

Different terms used in the result:-

Meaning of XX:- The exam marks are not completely uploaded on the website. it may be resolved by writing a letter to the head office of Aktu Lucknow.

Meaning of F:-When students have 6 back in a year then the F represents the result means to fail or a year back.

Meaning of UFM:- UFM refers to the unfair movement. it means bad behavior with invigilators, cheating, using phones in exams, etc.

Meaning of ABS:- ABS means absent. it will be shown on the result because of leaving an exam.

Meaning of INC:- When the result contains INC(incomplete) then the information of the result is not completed on the ERP website. it may be removed with the help of your college administration.

My suggestion:– I am confident that all your doubts will be cleared after reading this article.


Ques1) Does PWG mean backlog?

Ans Of course not, PWG does not mean backlog. PWG stands for the Passed with grace.

Ques2) Is the carry paper exam hard?

Ans generally it is easy to score passing marks in the back exams.

Ques3) What are the fees to fill carry paper form?

Ans In 2024, you required around Rs.3000 to fill out the carry paper form.

Ques4) Does CGPA increase after clearing the back exam?

Ans Yes, as new marks update to your result then according to this the CGPA will also increase. Check how to calculate CGPA from the percentage in AKTU.

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